Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Mark Your Calendars! Glory Be is having a PARTY!

         Please join me for my Launch Party.

             Thursday, January 5 
             at INKWOOD BOOKS
        216 South Armenia, Tampa.
                      6:00 PM

Wine and (Pimento) Cheese! Cake, Lemonade, Door Prizes!

And hot off the press, Glory Be, the book.

I'll read, talk about writing, and of course autograph as many copies as you need.


  1. Sounds marvelous!!! I will be toasting to you out here in NM and reading my own copy - hope there are copies that fast right here in ABQ at our children's bookstore, but I'm thinking they *will* have it! :-)

  2. Congrats! Sounds like great fun. I am sorry to miss but I live too far away. Will you have one in Boston?

  3. Congratulations on your book! One of my fifth graders is almost done reading the ARC of Glory Be that I brought back from NCTE. He tells me every day that he's loving it! I'm impatient for him to finish so I can read it! :) Melissa Thomson

  4. Thanks, everybody. And yes, I'm trying very hard to soak up every bit of excitement.
    Melissa- I love your comment! Having an actual kid say that about Glory Be really makes me very happy. Thank you for telling me this.

  5. Yay!! How I wish I could be there in person and not just in spirit!

  6. Count me in Augusta! I'll be there to lend my support, watch you shine, and get my autographed copy (of course). I can't wait to read the book and I couldn't be more excited for you!
    Happy happy, joy joy! :oD


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