Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Screen Free?

Did you know it's National Turn Off Your TV Week, also known as Screen Free Week?

If you were a student at Roland Park Country School in Baltimore, where I just spent a delightful day, you would know.

This greeted me in the library:

Look at these neat bookmarks the students were eagerly scooping up.

 (Open, turn page, skim, pause, READ!)

More to come from that great school visit, my last in Maryland for a while, at least.

Anybody else celebrating? Turning off the TV, at least for a little while?
What are you reading this week?

Here's some of my list:
On the Road to Mr. Mineo's (an ARC from the publisher)
eagerly awaiting: Double Dog Dare (I just won a copy on Smack Dab in the Middle- yay!)

Leftover from my plane ride:  The Phantom Limbs of the Rollow Sisters
on my Kindle. A very strange yet oddly addictive novel set in Nebraska which I bought at a Kindle deal ages ago and can't seem to finish or stop reading. (Does that make sense?)


  1. It's been off most of the week, but tomorrow is the last episode of In Plain Sight, and I have to keep my priorities straight!

    What a whirlwind tour you've had -- very exciting for you AND Glory.

  2. This is the most difficult week ever to celebrate in our house but we shall try! I set a bad example as a blogger!


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