Thursday, June 27, 2013

Quote of the Day

Children, like animals, use all their senses to discover the world. Then artists come along and discover it the same way all over again.

Eudora Welty

And speaking of Miss Eudora.

Here's a link to an early draft of the powerful story she wrote on the day she read Medgar Evers had been shot.

If it's an Eudora Welty kind of day where you are, there are many more of her quotes on this blog. Just type her name into the search box.

Here's one I love:

OR you can click over to Brainy Quotes.

I think I'll revisit a few of her short stories, again this summer.

My writing inspiration for the day! How about you?


  1. I got chill-bumps on top of chill-bumps.....I'll never forget this paragraph....oh, my!!!!!!!

    Something dark like the wings of a bird spread on his back and pulled him down.
    He climbed up once, like a man under a sheet. And I mean it was a sheet of blood,
    and like blood could weigh a ton he walked with it on his back. Didn’t get no further than his door.
    And fell to stay.


Here's where you let me know what you think.