Books -- reading and writing.
Home, cooking, the weather.
And whatever connections I can make between these chapters of my life.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

The Eternal Ones

I was sent The Eternal Ones by the book's publicist. She knew of my interest in stories written by Southerners, or about the South, or maybe she thought I'd be intrigued with the whole Past Lives thing. Since I'm not, I put the book aside. Then, as often happens, I found myself in a place with no books. That cannot happen to me. (Maybe I'd be a great candidate for a Kindle or a Nook or maybe even the IPad my husband hogs. I'd be downloading left and right, probably to the extreme...But for now, I'll stick with my paper. I still prefer the feel of real paper, but that's another topic.)

In desperation, I will read ancient yellowing magazines if there's no promising book nearby.

So I had this ARC (advance reading copy) in my suitcase. Young Adult fiction. About a topic I haven't considered since I was quite young and there was a big brouhaha about The Search for Bridey Murphy. Remember her? Well, that was my exposure to past lives. All the big kids and my mom's bridge group talked about it and it gave me the creeps.

Did I mention I was desperate for something to read?

I never expected to like this book. In fact, I kept trying not to finish it, to set it aside. But it's a moderately well-told story that's new and fresh. A daring teen so convinced she's lived and loved many times before that she leaves her family and takes off to live in New York. A gay guy who is totally not stereotyped. Snake-handling Pentecostals who are tremendously appealing.

I predict that this is going to be a huge hit with teen readers. I also predict a very strong crossover market into adult fiction. In fact, the official link to the book is supposed to be very intriguing, but I can't ever get on it, so I'm not sharing here so as to save you the frustration. From what I understand, if you get there, you can post your own past life experiences.

I have none nor do I anticipate any. But still sometimes it pays to be forced to read something you don't think you are going to like. Horizons are broadened. If you know a teen reader who's intrigued with the paranormal, this might be the book!

Here's a Publisher's Weekly interview with the author: Q & A with Kirsten Miller.

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