Books -- reading and writing.
Home, cooking, the weather.
And whatever connections I can make between these chapters of my life.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Very Special Editors: WITH THE MIGHT OF ANGELS

True confessions- I don't listen to books. Well, not too often. I can count on one hand the books I've actually heard.

My problem?
1. I'm not in a car long enough to listen there.
2. I keep wanting to take notes, go back and forth, underline. Doesn't work for an audio book, does it?
3. I haven't taken the time to figure out how, except on the CDs from the library, and my new computer doesn't have a disc drive.

So I'm not an expert on audiobooks. But when my friend Kate Swanson told me I HAD to listen to this one, I did.
And now, I'm telling you the same.

WITH THE MIGHT OF ANGELS, by Andrea Davis Pinkney.
(Click on that link and you can hear a sample from

Yes, she's my editor. And one could not have a more amazing mentor to guide her through the ups and downs of writing a book.

Guess what? Andrea Pinkney will be at Miami SCBWI.  Soon. January 17-19, 2014, to be exact.
There's still time to sign up, people!

And if you listen to this remarkable book, read by Channie Waites (I know nothing about audiobook readers, but she's got to be a star), you'll know Andrea a little better. The author material at the end, shared by none other than the author herself, made me feel like Andrea was riding in the car with me.

Reading it on a seven-hour drive from NJ to VA, where the book just happens to take place, was an unexpected and wonderful surprise.

Another confession, I'm not a total fan of the Dear America books. For no particular reason, I just haven't read enough of them to find one that really grabbed me. But this one did. No matter who had written it, I would have appreciated Dawnie Rae's story.

If you can't get your hands on the audio version of With The Might of Angels, with Andrea's author interview, and want to get to know her a little better, try this:

or her fabulous speech:

Andrea's Coretta Scott King Acceptance Speech

Seriously, don't miss this tribute by her son, husband, and brother:

One of my favorite photos, with two of her authors at the Library of Congress's Book Festival this fall.

I suspect Kathryn Erskine feels the same way I do about Andrea's remarkable editing skills and her ability to help us turn our books into the best they can be. And isn't that what the very best editors do?
The part about being funny and nice and smart is just icing on the cake.

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