How about offering to address the Christmas cards? Or even stand in line to mail them. Now that's what I call the Gift of Time!
Office supplies might be very personal. I mean it! We have certain pens, notebooks, desk goodies we love. A gift certificate to The Container Store is high on my own list.
Or check out THIS cool, colorful spot. POPPIN has all sorts of desk supplies, notebooks, you name it.

Speaking of the gift of time, consider a gift to a writing retreat! Wrapped up under the tree, this could make the writer in your circle really really happy. I'm partial to HIGHLIGHTS but there are so many. Brand new workshops are listed on that site, linked.
If your writer friend isn't a traveler or a mixer, find a nice little B&B nearby and send her off for a weekend.
If you're feeling very generous and your budget is unlimited, check with your writer friend or family to see if they'd like a consultation from a freelance editor. There are many and their services vary. Don't do this without asking! Some writers prefer going it on their own. But here are a few friends have used and recommend.
Joyce Sweeney
Leslie Guccione
Elizabeth Law
Carolyn Coman
Lorin Oberweger
Lisa Maxwell
Perhaps some of you reading this could add a name or two?
Prices vary. Abilities and interests and genres and experience vary also. Check the websites and ask around. But this might be something worth requesting. After all, this is the season for gift-giving, right?
Last, but certainly not least. Give books. Give books in your favorite writers' names to schools and other charities. (I listed a few HERE, but everybody knows somebody or someplace that deserves a few good books.)
Buy your friend's book and donate it. Gift wrap it for your favorite person! Your author friends will thank you.
(Thanks, Eileen!)
Happy holidays, one and all. May you be surrounded by good friends, happy family, and most excellent words.
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