Books -- reading and writing.
Home, cooking, the weather.
And whatever connections I can make between these chapters of my life.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Poem of the Day

Maybe I just need an excuse, but my favorite thing about April is that I remember to read more poetry.

I bought Mary Oliver's new book: A THOUSAND MORNINGS, tucked it beside a comfy chair, and promised to open it often.

Here's a start. Page 19.

This reminds me of the conversation at my wonderful Writers Group meeting this week.

Three Things To Remember

As long as you're dancing, you can
    break the rules.
Sometimes breaking the rules is just
   extending the rules.

Sometimes there are no rules.


Kenda Turner said...

Just dropping in to "meet" you--and have found a really neat place to revisit. I'll be back! Thanks for commenting at my place today :-) And thanks, too, for the heads up on A Thousand Mornings. I want to get my hands on a copy of it...

Augusta Scattergood said...

Thanks, Kenda! Great to meet you, too. I enjoyed your own blog and will be back for more of your excellent advice.