In my own elementary school, they were kept in our one-room library close to the desk where the "librarian" sat. I use the term loosely. From each incoming 5th grade, the principal chose a student to be the librarian. One of my fondest memories is the power I wielded sitting at that desk. Stamping those date-due slips. Reading the newest books before my classmates.
Every single Childhood of Famous Americans book lined up on that shelf was read - more than once- by me.
(Also, Nancy Drew. But that's a different post.)
One of my favorites?
Fast forward to American History class, a few years later. A picture of the Dare Stones fascinated me. My little Mystery Girl! From the library! Proof she actually lived.
Well, not so fast. Maybe it's all a hoax.
Still, Virginia Dare and Virginia's Lost Colony continued to fascinate me. But like a lot of childhood things, I forgot the story. And I hadn't remembered it until the publisher sent me an Advance Readers Copy of a terrific new novel, written by Caroline Starr Rose.
Which I love.
Is that not an absolutely gorgeous cover? It says so much!
Caroline and I became Author Buddies when our debut novels launched at almost the same time, with similar titles. Hers was MAY B. Mine, Glory Be. Two feisty historical heroines.
You can read my interview with Caroline HERE.
(Lots of terrific tips about writing verse novels.)
Well, she's done it again. BLUE BIRDS, also a novel-in-verse, is not really about Virginia Dare. But it is about the Lost Colony, part of my childhood obsession. It's about two very different girls who become friends. It's a gem of a book about caring so much for someone that you're willing to change your life in ways you never expected.

See below for details.
Here's a link to Caroline's post about the quote and what it means to her. And check out her website, HERE.
Good luck, Caroline, as you usher your beautiful book into young readers' hands!
This post is part of a week-long celebration in honor of the book Blue Birds. Author Caroline Starr Rose is giving away a downloadable PDF of this beautiful Blue Birds quote (created by Annie Barnett of Be Small Studios) for anyone who pre-orders the book from January 12-19. Simply click through to order from Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Books A Million, IndieBound, or Powell's, then email a copy of your receipt to by Monday, January 19. PDFs will be sent out January 20.
I loved Blue Birds. And I loved that Virginia Dare book, too. I remember her being described as walking flat footed on the swamp so she wouldn't sink, which I practiced many a time by the local river. It never worked.
So glad today's young people get books like yours and Caroline's, but I do hold a fondness for some of what was between those raggedy orange covers.
Augusta, I LOVED THOSE BOOKS! Another reason why we're friends? I had no idea there was a Virginia Dare book in the collection. I must find it.
Thank you so much for your help ushering Blue Birds into the world. xo
I loved May B. and can't wait to read Blue Birds, right after I read The Way to Stay in Destiny, that is. 8-)
BLUE BIRDS *is* beautiful - loved it! I loved reading about your childhood reading stories, too. xo
Fun hearing everybody's reaction to those biographies. I've posted about them before and always hear a lot of love!
Good luck, Caroline. Speaking of love, everybody will love Blue Birds. I just know it.
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