A few days before Christmas, I got to actually hold the book in my hot little hands.
My fabulous, fantastic editor, Andrea Davis Pinkney, sent a few early copies, and such a sweet note.
The best part about seeing the Real Deal? Besides the gorgeous cover, designed by Elizabeth Parisi and Sara Wood?
The great quote from Kirby Larson on the back. Wow, I'm swooning down here!
I think I'll spend the day appreciating all the amazing things that have happened to me since my brilliant agent, Linda Pratt, said let's do this! It's not often that we slow down and enjoy the moment, is it?
So happy Book Birthday to me and my book. I think I'll eat some cake.
But first, a HUGE thank-you to all my Scholastic team, my Twitter friends, Facebook buddies, and fellow Nerdy Book people who've embraced this book since it sneaked onto a few shelves over the weekend. And even before. It's scary birthing a book.
I can't thank you enough. (But I'm happy to share the cake.)

(Okay, yes. My book is near the bottom. But they're alphabetical! And no way is a librarian going to mess with the ABCs of bookshelf arrangement.)
They had already sold a few, according to the nice guy who let me sign what was left.
There were others who caught a glimpse before today.
And shared on Twitter.
John Scovill @Johnlit360 · Dec 31
Here it is @ARScattergood : )
Tweets! Too many to mention!
Michele Knott
Last holiday #bookaday was an amazing one @ARScattergood The Way to Stay in Destiny. All kinds of awesome!!
Such fun seeing your book baby in amazing company, no?
2015 is going to be a big reading year for me!
@CarrieGelson Jan 3
My #mustreadin2015 list is great! http://bit.ly/1rQpD7k @LieslShurtliff @ARScattergood @marburyjack @nielsenwriter
@MrSchuReads Dec 31
. @ARScattergood You're hanging out next to @sharonmdraper
Hey, I love hanging out with Sharon Draper.
He saw it at one of my favorite Indies: Anderson's!
Another big thank-you to my fellow book bloggers who've said lovely things about this novel.
And to Amazon for choosing it as a best January release for middle-grade readers.
I guess you could say THE WAY TO STAY IN DESTINY has been celebrating all week.
And I'm good with that.
Off to find cake.
Happy birthday to Destiny!! A wonderful day, indeed!
Happy Birthday to Destiny, Augusta!! Congratulations! Can't wait for my copy to arrive. :-)
Happy booj birthday and congratulations! What a marvelous endorsement by Kirby Larson. I'm going to look for it on my library shelves. Hope you found a delicious cake!
Thanks! It's been a fun day, interspersed with laundry and a trip to Publix. Ah, the glamorous life of a writer, yes?
Happy Birthday to Destiny! I started in today and look forward to going back to Destiny soon. Your writing is so inviting, your characters lovable. Congratulations!
Congratulations on this great day, Augusta! I can't wait to read it.
Seems like your destiny is for greatness. Congrats, Gusty!! We are all thrilled for you.
Snuck over from Rebecca Stead's blog... Congratulations on 'Destiny'! I'll pick up a copy. Sounds great!
Thanks again, everybody. It was a fun week! I hope you all enjoy sharing a little bit of Florida with your students - or just escaping into the sunshine with a cup of tea and a brownie this weekend.
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