Books -- reading and writing.
Home, cooking, the weather.
And whatever connections I can make between these chapters of my life.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

April is Poetry Month!

Oh, my. What fun! Poems out of book spines. Almost makes me wish I were still a school librarian.

Remember those Poetry Magnets? Creating poems out of your book collection is just as much fun. Check out this blogpost and make a few of your own. Feel free to send/post your pictures in my comments or email.

And for all you teachers and librarians reading this- Make it a fun project and click here to post your kids' / library Poetry Spines to the 100 Scope Notes blog.

Or do one yourself. Here's my first effort. (I see myself rearranging all my bookshelves if I'm not careful...) And you thought you weren't poets? Hah. Wait till you get started.

Have fun- it's National Poetry Month!

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