Books -- reading and writing.
Home, cooking, the weather.
And whatever connections I can make between these chapters of my life.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Doing the Dishes While Writing?

"The best time for planning a book is when you're doing the dishes." -Agatha Christie

I wonder if Christie had a TV in front of her sink like I do.

In the Old Days of Writing, I suspect there was more often a window with a view, perhaps a bird feeder, something outside worth pondering? Maybe mindless TV counts as silence though? If so, I have a lot of that in my life.

For more on the subject, click on over to Kristi Holl's Writer's First Aid blog on savoring silence. There's a link to follow and some good thoughts for writers:

"We live in such a noisy world. Whenever we’re driving or folding laundry or jogging, it’s tempting to always have our iPods or cell phones in our ears, or the TV or radio on in the background. How desperately we avoid having a few moments of silence!”

But these moments of silence are important. So much of the “writing” and “processing” that we do requires silence.

So, what's outside your window? What do you reflect on while washing dishes? I'm going to work on more silence, quiet time for planning writing.

This is my artist friend Eileen's birdhouse. Though it's inside for admiring, not outside her dishwashing window, if it were outside my window, I might be inspired just pondering that doorknob perch.

Related posts: Resolutions
Bookish Birdhouses

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