Books -- reading and writing.
Home, cooking, the weather.
And whatever connections I can make between these chapters of my life.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

And the winner is!

And now. For the drawing of the terrific DOG'S WAY HOME, I spoke to my cute neighbor about helping me draw names.

ME: Hey, Mia. Wanna draw a name out of your kibble bowl? Choose a winner for a dog book giveaway?

MIA:I'm sitting here like a good doggie. I love a good dog story. Where's my treat?

ME: Well, how about this as a treat? See that blue notepad over there? Write down these names and tear them off and put them in your kibble bowl and dive right in.

MIA: Huh?

ME: Oh, all right. I'll do it. But you have to pick the winner so dive right in.

MIA: Diving!

Me and Mia, together, now- 1-2-3:

Bobbi Miller.

Come on down, Bobbi.  Claim your prize!

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