Books -- reading and writing.
Home, cooking, the weather.
And whatever connections I can make between these chapters of my life.

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Poetry Musings

 Today my friend Elder and I walked to my local bookstore, POLITICS AND PROSE.

The wind almost swept us off our feet! But it is a gorgeous fall day, with just a hint of orange in the maple trees, and Elder and I have known each other since college (Go Tarheels!) so the walk was a delight.

The bookstore is always a delight. And I was on a mission to buy a book.

My other long-time DC friend, Beverly, and I are still trying to keep up our poetry recitations. The poem I shared on Sunday is from James Crews' new book, UNLOCKING THE HEART.  

The poem is titled "Note to Self," and it really touched both of us. 

Now I'll brew a cup of tea, dig into my new book, and watch the trees sway in the wind.

A perfect day, no?