Books -- reading and writing.
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And whatever connections I can make between these chapters of my life.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Boys Love Books?

If Greg Neri and his fellow writing guys have anything to say about it, they will. Check out Greg's blog for interviews, book recommendations, more blog links- lots of good stuff.

Here's what Neri (author of Chess Rumble) says about why he writes books that appeal to boys:

I always say you can’t give Jane Austen to boys and expect them to connect to it. That time and place is too far removed from their own experiences. You must create a bridge to Jane Austin, expose boys to the fact that their stories are just as worthy of being represented in books. So I look at Chess Rumble as a gateway book, something that surprises boys, gets them reading for the first time and hopefully opens them up to exploring other voices in other books too.

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