Books -- reading and writing.
Home, cooking, the weather.
And whatever connections I can make between these chapters of my life.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Shrinking a Manuscript

I've been intrigued with this technique since hearing about it at an SCBWI workshop a couple of summers ago. The Incredible Shrinking Manuscript just has a certain curiosity about it. I used it while trying to get the Big Picture on my recently-purchased (yay!) historical novel. Printed it out and examined the entire thing squeezed onto 30 pages.

Here's what you need to know: an article by Darcy Pattison in Women on Writing. 
Or you could buy Darcy's book, for even more details.

I'm following her blog and Facebook postings this November. She's helping writers understand more about writing in SCENES. Today there's even a helpful template.

If I can't meet a wordcount every single morning, I might as well try something new, writing in scenes.

Now if I can just figure out how to shrink my new manuscript on Scrivener and see it all at once...

Related post: Over Revising!

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