Books -- reading and writing.
Home, cooking, the weather.
And whatever connections I can make between these chapters of my life.

Monday, August 5, 2019

Catching Up on a Monday

I love these Monday, IT'S MONDAY WHAT ARE YOU READING posts. Because it makes me actually think about what I've been reading. 
Since I'm no longer a librarian with a host of young readers waiting to share their next great book recommendations and talk about how they love the characters, I mostly read to see how they're written. Does that make sense?

So I did a little re-reading this week. 
How many of your kids have read (and loved?)  HOLES?
Wow. Talk about a fast, fun read. 

(That's a totally awesome cover, isn't it? It's not the one I'm familiar with but it's sufficiently creepy while artistic, and I really like it.
Don't get me started on the importance of cover design!)

My buddy Barbara O'Connor recently shared that HOLES was edited by Frances Foster (now deceased), her long-time FSG editor. Since Frances is basically known as a dream editor and brilliant, I took a closer look, trying my best to "read like a writer."

Speaking of closer. THIRD PERSON CLOSE is the point-of-view and man, does Louis Sachar nail it. I love reading third person close, but I've struggled to write it. In fact, I tried with THE WAY TO STAY IN DESTINY. Started that story in what I "hoped" was a Close Third Person point-of-view.
Nope, wasn't happening. While journaling in first person to get into the head of my main character, Theo, I realized it was working better in first person and I switched. 

If you haven't read HOLES in a while but want to see what I mean and don't have the book handy, check out this preview from the beginning 30 pages. The physical description of Stanley and how "close" you are inside his head. Perfect. I not only felt like I knew him from the get-go, I knew how he was being fooled and yet, there was a tiny niggle of a doubt...

If only I were Louis Sachar.
Though I didn't really like the follow-up to that book, did you? True confessions, I skimmed it so maybe I missed something.

I discovered a book I hadn't read by Kevin Henkes. Now, there's a surprise! I'm a big fan of his novels and his picture books. Publisher's Weekly called this one touching and funny, and I totally agree.
It's a book about mini-golf, sort of, which is what originally led me to it. But it's really about families and friendships and all those things that tug at the hearts of kids, big and little. Henkes really knows how to do that. And okay, while searching for an image for this book, I see he's written a couple of novels I didn't even know about. More to read! 

Can't wait to see what my teacher and librarian friends have been reading as their summers wind down!

Thanks for reading!

 A card from a student, saved from my years as a librarian.
Who would have expected I'd write three books of my own. Not me. Not in a million years.


Lisa said...

I haven't read Holes in forever! I love the card!

Linda B said...

I volunteer at a used bookstore & recommend Holes every chance I get & when it's on the shelf. I don't know this Henkes book, but juet read his latest one, Sweeping Up the Heart & loved it. Thanks for the recommendations!

Aaron said...

I had kind of the same feeling about Small Steps. Holes is not too popular at my school even though Sachar's Fuzzy Mud has been very popular. I haven't read many Kevin Henkes novels, just The Year of Billy Miller, but this one and his newest might have to be added to my list. Thanks for the shares.

2Shaye ♪♫ said...

I think it may be time for a re-read of Holes. It's been about 14 years since I first read it and the title has been popping up left and right, lately. And I agree on what you shared about Henkes. I really enjoyed his recent Sweeping Up the Heart, even if the cover art wasn't my favorite. Thanks for sharing, Augusta!

Rosi said...

Holes is a terrific book. It's been a while since I read it, but I remember it well. I just finished reading a book that is very timely in many ways -- The Dollar Kids by Jennifer Richard Jacobson. I just reviewed it on my blog. It is really terrific. Enjoy the rest of your summer.

Earl said...

If you enjoyed Holes, try reading Dan Gemeinhart's Scar Island.

Augusta Scattergood said...

Thanks for stopping by and commenting. Now I have some really good recommendations to keep me busy.

Earl- I'm a huge fan of Dan's and also enjoyed Scar Island.
Happy end of summer, everybody. Stay cool!

Carol Baldwin said...

I love the little drawing you saved all these years! I'm reading an adult novel now, "Tomorrow's Bread." takes place in CHarlotte about 10 years after my novel. Interesting reading--found one of the same experts for my book!