Books -- reading and writing.
Home, cooking, the weather.
And whatever connections I can make between these chapters of my life.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Monday Again!

This has been my week for reading, and hiding from the world. 

The world has slowed down here in Florida. Yes, we still have our share of spring-breakers, mostly families, but the roads don't seem as crowded, the shops are empty, and spring training has shut down. 
It's a tough time for so many.
My heart goes out to all you teachers and librarians with plans for your kids that are on hold.

SO, with all the craziness in the world, let's read some good books!

First up- a perfect Middle-Grade novel. Such kid-appeal. The clever math connections, the friendships, the strong writing and plot- all make it an easy, fun, and interesting read. 
Perfect sweet spot for MG, ages 9-12. 

Here's a link to Stacy McAnulty's website with reviews, activities, a sample chapter. Good stuff! 

Another terrific middle-grade with a hint- okay more than a hint!- of a ghost story is JUST SOUTH OF HOME. This is Karen Strong's debut, and I'll be on the lookout for her next book. 
Again, this is a story with a lot of kid-friendliness. (Is that a thing?)
Family dynamics in a small southern town, some serious civil rights history woven in, kids who aren't perfect but figure things out pretty well. I loved that the narrator has a strong sense of right and wrong. 
Don't miss this one.

I'm not quite finished with Leslie Connor's newest novel, A HOME FOR GODDESSES AND DOGS, but I'll add it to today's collection. The publisher's suggested age level is 10 and Up, and I agree. Mostly because (at least so far) though there's nothing too advanced about the topic, the language feels older. Lydia, the narrator, is 13 and has recently lost her mother, but she lovingly grieves in the care of her aunt and her aunt's wife. I love the animals, Lydia's lovely memories, the winter setting. 
It's quite different from Leslie's previous two books (All Rise for the Honorable Perry T. Cook is as good as- or better than!- any middle-grade novel I've ever read). Her newest novel may appeal to different kids, those special readers willing to invest in a quiet-ish story with heart. 

I'm not sure what made me reread SARAH PLAIN AND TALL. I hadn't read it since I worked as a librarian and that was too many years ago to count!
What a perfect book. 
If it's been a while since you read this Newbery winner, do yourself a favor and find your copy. It will make your day. A perfectly lovely, small gift of a book that takes us away from the world swirling around us.

I'm not much of a Young Adult reader, but that may change now that I've read this one by STACIE RAMEY. 
So good!  The main character is a bright girl with cerebral palsy, a crush on a boy, a mostly/usually amazing family, and a best friend. IT'S MY LIFE will have teens turning pages and then searching for Stacie's other books.


Last but not least, may I recommend a fun book about words, and writing, and grammar and all the things you never have time to think about?

This one's been on my shelf since Christmas, when my brother gifted it to me. So happy I had time to organize bookshelves!

Our lovely little public library just announced it's closed "for the foreseeable future" so I'll be using their Libby app even more and tidying up my own bookshelves.

Sending love and great reading vibes to all my #IMWAYR pals!



Rosi said...

Wow, you have packed a lot into this post. I also loved The Miscalculations of Lightning Girl. Terrific book! I will look for Just South of Home. It sounds great. I loved All Rise for the Honorable Perry T. Cook, so I will probably like A Home for Goddesses and Dogs. Love the title. It would be nice to reread Sarah Plain and Tall. I might have a copy around. I'll look. Thanks for a good, rich post. Enjoy your time at home and stay well.

Lisa said...

I just picked up A Home for Goddesses and Dogs from the library this past weekend. Looking forward to reading it.

Carol Baldwin said...

I also really liked Miscalculations of Lightening Girl. Thanks for the YA recommendation; i'm always on the lookout for "clean" Ya books. What am I reading now? "War in Korea" by Margueritte Higgins. Autobiographical about one of the first women reporters in WWII, Korea, and Vietnam. She's my portagonist's inspiration!

Linda B said...

I enjoyed The Miscalculations of Lightning Girl, a great read. And I'll find my copy of Sarah, Plain and Tall. You've convinced me! Thanks for the new titles too. I have noted them!

Aaron said...

I also really enjoyed Lightning Girl and it really took off in my class this year with several boys reading it and recommending it. I have to go back and mark Just South of Home. Happy Reading!

Cheriee Weichel said...

I love Sarah Plain and Tall so much I read all the sequels. I enjoyed The Miscalculations of Lightning Girl. (It made me cry) I am a big fan of Leslie Connor so I can't wait for A Home for Goddesses and Dogs.

Augusta Scattergood said...

Thanks for all the comments. I hope you're all having a nice, quiet, healthy week with tons of books. I'm distraught over many things, but reading helps, doesn't it.
Aaron- I appreciated your comment about your students. I always wonder, especially if I'm certain I'm right, what real kids will think of a book I like.

Happy reading!