Books -- reading and writing.
Home, cooking, the weather.
And whatever connections I can make between these chapters of my life.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Another from Gail Carson Levine

Here's a must-read post from that great writer for kids, Gail Carson Levine. Although she writes a lot of fantasy, often set in the Long Ago, the post has some excellent tips for writers of historical fiction also. Check out her online reference sources for looking up words. Top tips for writers whose settings aren't the everyday world of today. Fellow word geeks will love it!

(Did you know why deviled eggs are called "deviled" or why Devil's Food Cake is so named? She'll direct you to the right online reference source.)

Most of her blog posts are long, thought-provoking, smart, and mostly very helpful for writers.

Related post: Maybe My Favorite Writing Blog?

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